"Elevated LDL and C-reactive protein cause coronary heart disease, the most common cause of death and disability, and are the best markers of risk for this disease. Natural Cholesterol Balance lowers both LDL and C-reactive protein, safely and effectively. It is the best product for improving one’s health ever sold over the counter." - Lawrence D. Rink MD
We have launched this new NCB website to serve as a reminder of the benefits of our all natural organic products in the fight against cardiovascular disease by controlling your good and bad cholesterol.
Alfalfa sprouts are the key ingredient used in NCB and is grown utilizing certified organic growing methods which precludes the use of pesticides, herbicides, or other GMO inputs.
NCB is only part of a complete cholesterol program which should include plant based proteins, weight control, and exercise with generous amounts of water while following your doctors recommended prescriptions.
At Natural Cholesterol Balance we believe it is important for you to be proactive in to your health management, and hold accountable professionals and products to insure best results which are both safe and cost effective
To have one bottle delivered monthly for only $31.95/month, click 'BUY NOW'!
Natural Cholesterol Balance was developed from extensive research on managing cholesterol naturally. Derived from organically grown alfalfa sprouts, the product effectively controls good and bad cholesterol* to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease when used in combination with weight control, exercise, and doctor-recommended prescriptions.
*Results based on a double-blind clinical study of 45 patients
Here's what the company owner is saying ...
“2 pills each day, 118 weeks later ... I have been taking Natural Cholesterol Balance since before the clinical trial began because I feel the owner of the company must know the short and long term results first hand. The total cholesterol/HDL ratio has improved 36% and my blood pressure is back to normal also. The records are located at the Roger Williams Medical Center, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 825 Chalkstone Avenue, Providence, RI 02908. I hope you enjoy similar results and thank you for visiting the Natural Cholesterol Balance web site.”
- Stephen T. Carney, Company Owner